Monday, April 28, 2014


The word opportunity (in regards to the trip) really stuck out in my mind today.

In only 75 days we take off for Mexico, and between now and then there are so many opportunities that each of us will be given on this journey. Not to mention, all of the ones we will be given when we are actually IN Mexico.

Many of us have been on this trip before, but for a lot of the team, this is your first time going to Mexico, or even your first mission trip. I'm a returning Mexico go-er, and as I've started meeting more and more of our team and talking with the new-comers everyone always asks things about what to expect, and about the trip. I love telling everyone how amazing and fun Mexico was for everyone last year, and to get pumped because this year is going to be just as amazing. I have endless stories I could tell about last year. This trip was everything I could have imagined, and I thank God every day for the experience.

I credit my amazing experience to two things.

  1. God
  2. Opportunity
I took a piece of advice last year that totally changed #2 for me, and I so desperately encourage every single person reading this to think about this in regards to this trip.

Take every opportunity you are given. Say yes to everything God throws at you. Don't hold yourself back from anything, because God wants you to live this trip out to its full potential.

I took this advice and I truly never said no to anything (I even conquered my fear of the ocean for a sketchy banana boat ride on the trip last year, I almost killed Michael, but it was worth it).

I challenge everyone to start now, and look for the opportunities that God will put in front of you on this awesome Mexican journey.

Maybe it might be something big like reaching out and making friends on the trip, or taking the opportunity to share your testimony with someone or something small like saying yes to jumping off the top dock on lake day. (I don't know how crazy you are, personally.)

Whatever opportunities get put in front of you these next couple of months, I pray that you say yes to them, and trust God is working in your life. Because I believe we should say yes to these. (Unless it's to drugs, then say no.)

75 DAYS. We're getting close :)

Friday, April 11, 2014


“He who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar— the Lord Almighty is His name.”

Good morning everyday missionaries! 

I woke up this morning to a perfectly timed cup of coffee. All was right with the world as that first sip hit my lips, slid down my esophagus and warmed my tummy.
It was still dark outside— just the way I like it when I’m about to bow before my Creator and give the day to Him. There’s something about the darkness that creates a closeted atmosphere, a quiet space where everything is still and yet shrouded in mystery.

What will this day bring?

All I see is black— and I’m not just talking about my coffee.

“Get up for Jesus! It’s important!” My alarm shouts at me in its automated Siri voice.
This morning presents the blank slate on which God will write His story through me today. That’s a HUGE responsibility as a believer— to hold the weight of living for Him today. But guess what?

It doesn’t matter if I know (or think I know) what this day is going to bring because God knows. Umm, He’s so far ahead that it’s almost unfair.

Phew! That’s the way I like it!

Rising in the morning is actually a terrifying action— a courageous act of tenacity and strength. If we knew what would happen this day, would we even want to get out of bed?

Probably not.

Guess what? Just rising out of bed makes you a warrior! BOOM. I said it.

When you start your day reading your Bible, it is the equivalent to putting on a set of armor, which is a necessity for followers of Jesus in a world of sex, drugs and Justin Beiber (I’m sorry, I meant “Bizzle”)? When you commit the day to Him before it has even begun, you’re displaying that you are ready! You’re strapping, packing, stretching, adrenaline pumping…ready to walk by FAITH, ready to take on whatever lies ahead.

It’s like filling the car up before a road trip.

Your tank is full. Your JESUS tank! Haha and you can go anywhere, do anything and carry the confidence that you’re going to make it through.

When you begin your days with God you’re not only walking by faith, you’re saying “Hey God, I need you. I don’t know what’s going down today but I do know that good or bad, I’m going to need you. Every hour I will need you.”

2 Corinthians 5:7
“I will walk by faith even when I cannot see…”

I will. Walk. By Faith.

I will walk by faith on the days when everything is right, when the coffee is perfectly brewed, where my friends are plenty and the homework is scarce.
I will walk by faith on the days when my dog dies, when my car won’t start, where I feel unappreciated or have bills to pay.

Why? Because this is what we’re here for. All of it. The good and the bad— we are here to give, to love, to be the ones to show that God has overcome. But we don’t have to do it alone.

We’ve got God. We’ve got His word. We’ve been given His son as sacrifice for us.

Today is His day! Go live it with courage and strength and confidence!

And if our God is for us, who can ever stop us?

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 6 Meeting (Trip 1) - The brain power in this room was amazing

I am amazed at the brain power assembled at this meeting...we have some incredible talent (and the leaders aren't so bad either). We are planning how best to communicate to parents, supporters, and team members, brainstorming more ways to raise support through fund raising activities, discussing how to support and encourage the team spiritually during the mission trip, figuring out what additional ministry activities we can do in addition to our construction project to maximize our time in Merida and talking about ways we can worship the Lord during our large group time each evening we are there. Lots of stuff to do!! Pray for our team!