Monday, May 26, 2014

Getting Closer!

Good afternoon fellow team groupies!

With school being out (HOORAYY) and many fun vacations, camps, and lake days planned, this also means that our departure to Merida is quickly approaching! We are going to have so much fun serving and bonding as a familia! With that being said, we also need to come up with a checklist of things we need to pack and need to pray for. We can call this our "Pack and Pray List".

Some of the most important items to pack would be t-shirts, a water bottle, socks, and a hat. However, these are the things that most people will remember, (hopefully). We need to be communicating with our leaders to ask about some of the items that we probably would forget to bring or not know we needed. These would be items such as multiple toothbrushes. Many team members from last year forgot on those EARLY mornings that we cannot drink the water in Mexico and accidentally rinsed their toothbrush in the sink! It is the little details that we need to be reminded of to make sure we stay safe and prepared for our trip.

Not only should we be preparing physically for our mission work, we also should be praying! Whether you pray in your small group, during large group, or by yourself, God hears all of our prayers. We can pray for things such as health, team members, a servants heart, locals in Merida, safety, just about everything! One awesome way to pray is by praying for someone on our team specifically by name. Reach out to them and ask how you can pray for them. This will allow you to become more comfortable and prepared for our journey!

PLEASE feel free to suggest any items or prayer requests for our "Pack and Pray List"! Remember to be vulnerable and open to doing things outside of your comfort zone!
 Hasta Luego!

Aqui hay dos fotos  del ano pasado
(here are two photos from last year)

1. This was our adorable, yet mini transportation to the sink holes in Mexico which was an amazing experience that we will hopefully be able to share this summer!

2. This photo on the left is our friend Adrian Glory! He is native to Merida and will help us travel around during our trip. He is absolutely incredible and quite comical. (also able to follow on Instagram @realadrianglory)

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