Monday, July 21, 2014

Construction and VBS - Day 1

Hola Americanos! Today we met up at 7am to eat breakfast and then we headed out to the construction site. I think we all were nervous, and none of us knew what to expect. At the site, we split up into our work teams (beam team and block squad). The beam team worked on lifting 6 beams that weighed 572 pounds each onto the roof of the third floor. Block squad started an assembly line shuffling 60 pound blocks up the scaffolding  to the roof of the third floor. After about 2 hours we took a short snack break of delicious fruit and cookies. Then we began our concrete mixing for the floor of a hallway. We had a huge assembly line that went from the concrete mixer, up the scaffolding, onto the third floor, down a separate scaffolding, and back to the mixer. We all started with fears of concrete burns . Regardless all of us ended up mildly covered in concrete but no burns! We were all totally exhausted as we headed back to the hotel around 2pm. We ate lunch, and then went back to the hotel to shower and nap before VBS. Half of our team went to El Comedor ( a shelter for needy children ) for VBS and some of us stayed at Shalom Church. We worshiped with the kids and were able to connect with them despite the language barrier. We're eating dinner now of empanadas, and about to  head off to do large group, small group, and worship.  After all of that we will be rewarded with a greatly needed rest!

Serena and Maddy

Here is the link to the Facebook page: Pictures from today will be posted later tonight!

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