Well, what a mob scene at the airport...glad we had everyone get here at 7:00AM...next time, 6:30AM. It took over an hour to check in and then another hour or so for security. All were on the plane around 9:15AM...well, almost all! Myself and 14 others were the last to get through check-in and security. God used a TSA Agent to move us up in the security line..sweating, nervous but still trusting the Lord. We made it through security with 10 minutes remaining until departure.
1 minute and thirty seconds until the train arrives...the longest 1 minute and 30 seconds ever! I text Daniel who put his foot in the gate door and faked a medical emergency to keep the gate door open (they were going to close it). OK I lied, Daniel did not fake an emergency but he did tell Delta we were on the train; God showed us favor through Delta.
We ran...what a comfort, we are at gate 3. Oh yea, they count backwards. 15 of us running..gate 12...11...10...9...people laughing at us...8...7...literal heart attack starting; Josie sees my dilemma and offers to carry the guitar I am bringing...6...5...4...Daniel sees us runnning; Daniel is laughing...3...Vernon accidentally trips Daniel for laughing. Whew, we made it! We're on the plane. Boarding doors are shut. Time to take off...well, not exactly. 1 hour ground delay. The Lord has a sense of humor. Now we rest. More to come.
Phew! Thanks for the chuckle. I know it was a tense situation. Glad you were able to find the humor in it.