Saturday, July 19, 2014

My Heart is in Mexico

     On this trip, my life has been changed more than I could have ever expected beforehand. My life was changed on the first trip I went on here two years ago, but for some reason I thought that the spiritual feeling would "cool down" or something on this trip. But honestly it is incomparable. I was worried I wouldn't get as much out of it and I went into it not expecting as much. I return today with my expectations blown open.

     The power of our God to work through our lives is always inspiring, but the way in which He does it is sometimes even more so. The people He surrounded me with on this trip are each individually some of the best, most genuinely God-abiding, loving people I have ever had the pleasure and honor of meeting and getting to build a personal relationship with in Christ. The way in which they have conducted themselves and worked and grown as a team to bring people closer to God, including each other, has been an absolutely amazing thing to watch. I know I could never have asked God for a more perfect mission trip group because I know there has never been one. I have befriended nearly everyone on this trip, which is amazing considering the fact that one week ago I hardly knew most of these outstanding individuals personally. But our God does great things and He has definitely introduced some amazing people into my life that I never want to let go of. 

     I thanked God every day of this mission trip for the opportunity He blessed me with, and I know that He will continue to bless me in potential future mission trips and spiritual endeavors, but none can be quite like this one. The way that God channels His Love through His children is beautiful. Sometimes I can't sufficiently explain all the love I feel from God at one moment, but I don't need to, and I don't want to. I don't want to be able to explain everything. I used to struggle with this, but God has given me eyes to see that the works that He does are not meant to always be understood. Nothing about God is quite meant to be fully understood in the way that we can't explain everything. But that's what makes praising Him so awesome. He has no limits like our simple brains do. His Love has no conditions like our human love does. His strength has no end like any amount of mortal strength does. We may not be able to comprehend why He does what He does, how He does what He does, or anything like that, but isn't His Love enough? Isn't it enough that He's given us a life to live even though we are so harshly undeserving? Isn't He miraculous enough to where questions don't matter? I'm not suggesting that it is wrong to question faith in Him sometimes (as it is perfectly normal), but why would you?? Isn't His Love enough of an answer? 

      I am sure everyone on this mission trip would agree, and everyone who pursues an active relationship with our One True Father and King knows that His Love is THE answer... to it all. To life. To every intermediate step in life. To those little struggles we have daily. To those larger struggles we may have over the course of years. His Love is the answer for why we live our lives how we do, even in the bad. Not because He has something against us. Not because He favors some of His children over others (I can assure you He does not, no matter who you are or what you've done). Not because He intends for pain to break us and push us away from Him. He is not deserving of this blame. Whether we realize it or not, everything that happens in our lives, the good and the bad, is a part of His Plan for our us. And it is His Love that directs the current of our lives. It is His Love that allows things to take place to make us stronger people. It is His Love that gives us experiences, especially bad ones, that may be shared with others to bring them closer to Him. God gives us a crutch in others to lean on so we do not feel alone. We all sin. We know we do bad things. And we will continue to throughout the course of our lives. But that doesn't mean we cannot be good sons and daughters of Christ. 

     God did not make us to be perfect in all that we do. He made us to struggle. He made us to doubt. He made us to worry. But that's what faith is all about. Without hardship, we would have no reason to doubt Him. We would be compelled to follow Him. But He wants to give us a choice, and in doing so, He makes us stronger people by teaching us lessons that sometimes cannot be learned or taught in any other way. Although God made us to worry, struggle, and doubt, He also made us to love! How amazing it is that we can have a personal relationship with our Father in Heaven! It is His Love alone that compelled Him to send His Son to die for us. And it is His Mercy in sending that Son to save us from our sins. So although we may continue to sin, and continue to think we are pushing ourselves away from Him, we are actually always there in His embrace if we are willing to realize it. In fact, we actually move closer to God in our wrongs. They are powerful lessons to be learned that have the potential to transform not only your faith, but the faith of others, should you choose to admit your wrongs and learn from them. Sometimes we feel like we are drifting away from God. In those times we may not act as godly; however, in reality, He is resting in our heart with open arms should we choose to run back into them. He gives us unfailing, unconditional Love. He gives us the path to eternal Life. He gives us a choice. My choice is to follow Him. Based upon the amazing experiences I have been able to behold, and my life-changing revelations on this trip, I know that that Love of His, simply to give us the choice, is enough of an answer for me. And it is for you, if you embrace that Love and Grace that He shines over you. 

     So no, my spirituality is not "cooling down," and my awe for the works He has done on this trip has opened my eyes even wider to His perfect Love. God has blessed me with these amazing people to surround myself with, and together, we are a team. Even as we return to Forsyth County and hop back into our "normal" lives, we are still a team, inseparable by the strong Hand and Heart of God. And we will continue to serve Him with hand and heart to bring His Love to the world together. We are a team doing a great work and we cannot come down. Even when we feel like we may be the only ones doing His work sometimes, nothing we do for Him is done alone. 

     We are lights in the darkness, illuminating the world together. We are little flames, burning bright and passionately, each with a fire for Jesus Our Savior. How wrong I was to think this Crazy Love, this powerful inspirational Spirit, would "cool down." As we each shine our little lights for Him brightly and distinctly, we form a much greater flame, one that can be seen on a large scale in this world full of darkness. He has given us the potential to go out and change the world with His Love, and I personally am going to make the most of that opportunity. As we move through this beautiful life, igniting others spiritually to live as fires for God, we inch closer to the entrance to an eternal life that we have been promised, one in His perfect Kingdom. The end of His worldly Path for each of us approaches faster than we realize. But in terms of His promised Eternity, this is just the beginning.

"I am doing a great work and I cannot come down..." (Nehemiah 3:6).

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